Category: Fitness

HIIT or LISS, which is l

HIIT or LISS, which is the best option to burn fat?

One of the sports trends that could be consolidated this year is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), whose definition in English would be a training divided into high-intensity intervals based on a system of short but very intense aerobic blocks. In addition, this training also improves health conditions through better control of sugar levels, blood pressure [...].

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How to avoid the

How to avoid muscle soreness after sport?

With the arrival of good weather, you are encouraged to return to training and sports. After an hour of running, muscle discomfort appears: these are the dreaded stiffnesses. So, we will try to give you some advice on how to avoid having a sore throat after sports. First of all, we will explain what shoelaces are and why they appear. […]

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The best options to get in shape in this course

The best options to get in shape in this course

We are about to start the school year and after the excesses of the summer many people think they will exercise and get back in shape. But which exercises to do or which activities to choose? There are many options to get in shape, just choose the one you like best. Y, you don't have to go to the gym to get in shape. Today, fortunately, we can [...]

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